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PermitDirector Revenue and Savings Calculator

Curious about the potential additional funds you can earn by using PermitDirector? We've created this calculator to help give you specifics on the financial benefits of using PermitDirector for your permitting process. Please note that all of the fields are required.

Average number of permits issued per month:
Average staff minutes per order:
Revenue share per order:
Your Email:
wrong email.

Revenue share per month (a):
Savings of staff hours reallocated per month (b):
Paper and postage savings per month (c):
Revenue Share per year:
Savings of staff hours reallocated per year :
Paper and postage savings per year:
Annual Subscription + one-time Onboarding & Implementation Fee (d):
Net estimated annual savings + incremental revenue:
(a) Average # of permit requests fulfilled per month x revenue share per order.
(b) Time saved per issued permit x hourly salary.
(c) Assumes 5% of orders are mailed. Of those: $0.66 average postage, 2.7 sheets per order, $0.05 per printed sheet.
(d) Assumes average subscription fee + one-time onboarding and implementation fee. This varies based on customer needs, population, and transaction volume. In some scenarios flexible pricing options may be available.