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Modernized CPL Application Process

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"BeforePermitDirector, our process was a nightmare. Everything was walk-in with people literally lined up outside the door down the street for blocks, waiting for two hours to apply."
- Rebecca Hendricks, Records Manager

The Customer

Before switching to PermitDirector, South Sound 911 utilized a walk-in, paper-based concealed pistol license application system with no efficient appointment setting option. Long lines and too much office traffic were causing stress and delays for both citizens and staff. After implementing PermitDirector, office traffic decreased by 90%!



Former Solution

Paper Applications

Use Case

Concealed Pistol License Applications

Became a Customer

April 2020

The Challenge

How to reduce office traffic and provide a more efficient CPL application solution for citizens and staff.

• 100% of applications walk-in
• Long lines, often outside the door for blocks
• 2 hour wait time for citizens was not uncommon
• No way for citizens to book appointments

The Solution

Implement PermitDirector for online CPL applications and appointment booking.

• Online system that allows citizens to apply at home, 24/7, 365 days a year
• Online appointment setting option
• Automated updates to keep citizens informed of progress
• Shared reports and dashboards for easier tracking and reporting

The Impact

A modern, efficient CPL application system that reduced office traffic by 90%!

• In-person applications fell from 100% to 10%
• Citizens are able to apply quickly online and track order status themselves
• Online appointment setting option streamlines the process
• Reports are easily accessible via user-friendly dashboard